Living in a state like California, where marijuana products are legal for recreational use, likely changes how you view them. For years, these cannabis products were viewed as Schedule One drugs that were highly regulated. But now people view them similarly to beer or...
Drug Charges
Can you still get arrested for marijuana?
Marijuana may be legal recreationally in California, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to get arrested. The laws are changing and shifting, and it’s crucial to know exactly how it works. This legal shift has changed the way that marijuana is viewed and...
There are still marijuana laws in California
Medical marijuana is legal in California. So is recreational marijuana. People can buy products at local dispensaries, and everything is supposed to be properly registered with the state. This leads many people to assume that California has simply done away with its...
When can being a “Good Samaritan” protect you from drug charges?
There are few things more frightening than seeing someone you know (or even a stranger) overdosing on drugs. Most people’s first instinct is to call 911 and get help. However, if you’ve been using drugs with them, it’s understandable that you’re afraid that police...
Can you share prescription medications?
If you’re someone who uses prescription medications, there may come a time when you are tempted to share them with someone else. For instance, maybe a family member has a similar condition to yours and wants to try the medication that you’ve been given. Maybe you are...
Charged for drug possession? Here are some possible defenses
Drug possession often seems like a straightforward charge. You were found with drugs, and you got arrested. While the police will try to convince you that there’s little you can do, the truth is, being arrested for drug possession is more complicated. Whether you’re...
It’s illegal to share prescription medications
Millions of people in the United States use prescription medications every day, while many more use them after specific medical procedures. In order to get these medications, they first have to get a prescription from the doctor and then bring that to a pharmacy so...
Can you still go to jail for marijuana in California?
California has long allowed for the use of medicinal marijuana, but recreational marijuana has also been permitted in recent years. This isn't exclusive to California. It has happened in numerous states and is likely to eventually happen almost everywhere. Public...
What is drug trafficking? (Hint: It’s probably not what you think.)
When you think of drug trafficking and drug traffickers, images of Breaking Bad or huge, dangerous cartels probably come to mind. In reality, you may be looking at a drug trafficker every time you look in the mirror – without even realizing it. While cartels, meth...
Can prescription drug possession lead to charges?
Many people believe that prescription drug use is safe, and they think that because a medical provider ordered the medications, they cannot be harmful. The reality is that these drugs are controlled because they’re not safe enough to be sold over the counter. They are...