Getting into college takes years of preparation. Maintaining a specific GPA in high school and securing competitive scores on standardized tests like the ACT and SAT are key components to gaining admission to college. Of course, securing entry is only the first hurdle...
Scripps Pier in La Jolla California
Month: January 2022
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If you’re an immigrant, be smart about marijuana
All over the United States, the social attitudes toward marijuana have shifted, and the laws in many states have followed suit. In fact, the vast majority of states now permit some form of medical marijuana use and some – including California – have legalized the...
Why would a police officer stop you for suspicion of drunk driving?
Police officers who are out on patrol have a duty to keep the roads safe. One way they do this is by stopping drivers who appear to be impaired. They can conduct a traffic stop if they have reason to believe the driver is intoxicated. The standard for a traffic stop...