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What happens when an immigrant adjusts their status?

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2024 | Immigration Law |

There are many different immigration opportunities for people who want to live in the United States. Some people qualify for employment for work visas. Others can lawfully enter the country because of their family relationships. A visa makes it legal to enter the country, but it will eventually expire. Visas are typically only eligible for a set amount of renewals for a specific duration.

Someone hoping to stay in the country for the rest of their life might want to look into other immigration opportunities. Adjusting one’s status can result in long-term lawful residency in the United States.

Status adjustment can lead to a green card

When the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) receives paperwork seeking to adjust someone’s status, that is effectively an application to become a permanent resident. A lawful resident who successfully adjusts their status can obtain a green card. Those who have green cards can stay in the United States indefinitely as long as they continue following the law and filing necessary paperwork every 10 years.

Adjusting one’s status is a complex process that involves a background check and paperwork. Only those with family connections, domestic employment or those with special immigration qualifications can petition the USCIS to adjust their status.  Many people find the process intimidating, but it is not prohibitively difficult if someone has the right support.

Those who become permanent residents have enhanced rights and protections when compared with those who have temporary permission to remain in the county. Learning more about adjustment of status could help immigrants protect their right to remain in the United States and even extend immigration opportunities to their loved ones.